Latea Coker-Family Advocate

I’m Latea Coker, honored to be your family advocate and the administrator of social-emotional learning at Elite Academy of Academic Excellence. With enthusiasm, I extend a heartfelt welcome to each of you.

In my journey toward this role, I’ve developed a deep-seated passion for improving the lives of individuals and families in our community. I’ve dedicated my time and efforts to the fields of social work and psychology, both through formal education and personal experiences. Much of my work has revolved around caring for our cherished elderly members and individuals facing various mental and physical challenges.

Now, you might wonder, why is mental health and academic achievement so crucial for our families, especially those living in our vibrant but often underserved urban communities?

Our children’s mental well-being serves as the driving force behind their success in both school and life. When kids feel safe, supported, and confident in their abilities, they’re more likely to thrive academically. Picture it as the solid foundation for a tall building – it guarantees stability and growth.

On the flip side, when our children carry the weight of stress, anxiety, or other mental health challenges, it’s similar to lugging around a backpack loaded with heavy rocks while attempting to sprint. This extra burden slows them down, complicates the learning process, and can even lead to a desire to give up.

Now, I’ve seen firsthand how these struggles can affect our families. It’s not just about the kids; it’s about the entire family unit. When a child excels in school, it opens doors to better opportunities down the road. It means a brighter future, not just for them, but for the entire family. In our village we plant our achievers in good soil – with care and nourishment, so that they can grow into something remarkable.

So, as a family advocate, my mission is to work alongside each of you to ensure that our children’s mental health is nurtured and their academic achievements are supported. Together, we can remove those heavy backpacks of worry and help them run their race with confidence, strength, and success.

Thank you for entrusting me with this role, and I look forward to partnering with you all in this important journey.

Nothing surpasses the love and attention a child receives from their parent. Harness the power of Elite Academy's unique Love Language and Learning Language quizzes to kindle your child's love for learning.